Coverity Scan

Static Analysis

Find and fix defects in your Java, C/C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, or Python open source project for free

  • Test every line of code and potential execution path.
  • The root cause of each defect is clearly explained, making it easy to fix bugs
  • Integrated with

More than 9000 open source projects and 49000 developers use Coverity Scan


Coverity Upgrade to 2023.12

2024 June 13

Attention SCAN users! We will be upgrading the Coverity tools in SCAN on Saturday, 22nd June to make this free service even better. The SCAN team has been hard at work stabilizing the service and getting ready for this upgrade.

SCAN will be unavailable during the upgrade, locking registration and triage, and halting builds. Defect data will be unavailable at that time. The upgrade is expected to take up to three hours.

After the upgrade, a new version of the Coverity build package will be available for download. Be sure to download the new build package.

Full details of new features are available at the Community Site.


Supported Versions

Versions 2023.03 and older will no longer be supported after the upgrade.

The current supported versions are:

  • 2023.6.2
  • 2022.12.2

Users are encouraged to download the latest tools in Downloads.

Going forward, only the latest two releases will be supported. This means projects should be expected to update their tools approximately once a year (or more frequently if you want the latest features/support).

Scan Spotlight Projects

2023 July 23

The following nominated projects have recent defect resolutions:

libreoffice qemu hwloc performancecopilot-pcp
stress-ng zephyr tdengine synchronet
wireshark wine bro ffmpeg
mesa scummvm kicad apache-traffic-server

New API endpoint to upload larger builds

2023 June 15

The current api request used to automate uploading a Project build has a limit of 500MB.

We have added a new API endpoint to facilitate uploading larger builds.

Please check the Submit Build page for more details.

Build Limits

The number of weekly builds per project are as follows:

  • Up to 28 builds per week, with a maximum of 4 builds per day, for projects with fewer than 100K lines of code
  • Up to 21 builds per week, with a maximum of 3 builds per day, for projects with 100K to 500K lines of code
  • Up to 14 builds per week, with a maximum of 2 build per day, for projects with 500K to 1 million lines of code
  • Up to 7 builds per week, with a maximum of 1 build per day, for projects with more than 1 million lines of code
Once a project reaches the maximum builds per week, additional build requests will be rejected.


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Get Started in 3 Easy Steps


1. Sign up and register your project


2. Upload your build for analysis


3. View and fix your defects