Coverity Scan: gluster/glusterfs

Project Name gluster/glusterfs
Lines of code analyzed 527,062
On Coverity Scan since Oct 31, 2013
Last build analyzed about 9 hours ago
Language C/C++
Repository URL
Homepage URL
License GPL (GNU General Public License version )

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Analysis Metrics

Version: 2023-11-17-8e2fd0b

Nov 17, 2023
Last Analyzed
Lines of Code Analyzed
Lines of Code in Selected Components
Defect Density

Defect changes since previous build dated Nov 16, 2023

Newly detected

Defects by status for current build

Total defects
See how defect density for 'gluster/glusterfs' compares with defect density for other open source projects.  Learn more

Note: Defect density is measured by the number of defects per 1,000 lines of code.

Analysis Metrics per Components

Component Name Pattern Ignore Line of Code Defect density
usr-lib /usr/lib/.* Yes 3,325 N/A
contrib .*/contrib/.* Yes 4,489 N/A
doc /doc/.* Yes 0 N/A
ACL xlator /xlators/system/posix-acl/.* No 1,979 0.00
Arbiter xlator /xlators/features/arbiter/.* No 327 0.00
AFR xlator /xlators/cluster/afr/.* No 23,647 0.00
Barrier xlator /xlators/features/barrier/.* No 758 0.00
Block xlator /xlators/storage/bd/.* No 0 N/A
Bitrot xlator /xlators/features/bit-rot/.* No 7,319 0.14
Changelog xlator /xlators/features/changelog/.* No 8,658 0.12
Change time recorder xlator /xlators/features/changetimerecorder/.* No 0 N/A
Decompounder xlator /xlators/performance/decompounder/.* No 0 N/A
DHT xlator /xlators/cluster/dht/.* No 25,712 0.16
EC xlator /xlators/cluster/ec/.* No 34,861 0.03
Error-gen Xlator /xlators/debug/error-gen/.* No 1,369 0.00
FUSE Bridge Xlator /xlators/mount/.* No 7,161 0.14
Index Xlator /xlators/features/index/.* No 2,356 0.42
IO Cache xlator /xlators/performance/io-cache/.* No 2,720 0.37
IO stats xlator /xlators/debug/io-stats/.* No 3,920 0.51
IO threads xlator /xlators/performance/io-threads/.* No 1,378 0.00
Leases xlator /xlators/features/leases/.* No 2,240 0.00
Locks xlator /xlators/features/locks/.* No 8,199 0.00
Marker xlator /xlators/features/marker/.* No 5,063 0.00
Meta xlator /xlators/meta/.* No 2,001 0.00
Metadata-cache xlator /xlators/performance/md-cache/.* No 3,230 0.00
Negative-lookup cache xlator /xlators/performance/nl-cache/.* No 1,742 0.57
NFS Server xlator /xlators/nfs/server/.* No 21,640 0.60
Open behind xlator /xlators/performance/open-behind/.* No 795 0.00
POSIX Xlator /xlators/storage/posix/.* No 15,355 0.39
Quick-read xlator /xlators/performance/quick-read/.* No 1,382 0.00
Quota xlator /xlators/features/quota/.* No 5,487 0.00
Read ahead xlator /xlators/performance/read-ahead/.* No 1,546 0.00
Read ahead-dir xlator /xlators/performance/readdir-ahead/.* No 1,130 0.00
Shard xlator /xlators/features/shard/.* No 6,723 0.00
Trash xlator /xlators/features/trash/.* No 2,108 0.00
Upcall xlator /xlators/features/upcall/.* No 2,370 0.42
Write-behind xlator /xlators/performance/write-behind/.* No 2,342 0.00
WORM xlator /xlators/features/read-only/.* No 1,536 0.00
RIO xlator /xlators/experimental/dht2/.* No 0 N/A
JBR xlator /(xlators/experimental/fdl/.*)|(xlators/experimenta/jbr-client/.*)|(xlators/experimental/jbr-server/.*) No 0 N/A
Libglusterfs /libglusterfs/.* No 52,042 0.10
GD1 /xlators/mgmt/glusterd/.* No 87,593 0.02
CLI /cli/.* No 24,408 0.04
Utilities /extras/.* No 81 0.00
Tests /tests/.* No 0 N/A
Cloudsync Xlator /xlators/features/cloudsync/.* No 5,097 0.00
Geo Replication /geo-replication/.* No 439 0.00
Glusterfind /tools/glusterfind/.* No 0 N/A
libgfapi /api/.* No 12,439 0.16
Protocol /xlators/protocol/.* No 20,817 0.00
libgfdb /libglusterfs/src/gfdb/.* No 0 N/A
RDMA /rpc/rpc-transport/rdma/.* No 0 N/A
Snapshot /xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-snap.* No 0 N/A
Socket /rpc/rpc-transport/socket/.* No 4,461 0.00
RPC Subsystem /(rpc/rpc-lib/.*)|(rpc/xdr/.*) No 7,643 0.00
Other .* No 97,174 0.04

CWE Top 25 defects

ID CWE-Name Number of Defects
120 Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow') 2
190 Integer Overflow or Wraparound 2
676 Use of Potentially Dangerous Function 5





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