Coverity Scan: penartur/EternalArrowBackup

Project Name penartur/EternalArrowBackup
Lines of code analyzed 1,072
On Coverity Scan since Jul 19, 2017
Last build analyzed a while ago
Language C#
Repository URL
Homepage URL
License MIT (MIT license )

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Analysis Metrics

Jul 20, 2017
Last Analyzed
Lines of Code Analyzed
Defect Density

Defects by status for current build

Total defects

Note: Defect density is measured by the number of defects per 1,000 lines of code.

Analysis Metrics per Components

Component Name Pattern Ignore Line of Code Defect density
Sources /Source/.* No 761 0.00
Tests /Tests/.* No 305 0.00
Other .* No 6 0.00

CWE Top 25 defects

No top 25 CWE defects were found.

About Coverity Scan Static Analysis

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Coverity Scan tests every line of code and potential execution path. The root cause of each defect is clearly explained, making it easy to fix bugs.

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