Projects on Coverity Scan

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Did you know Linux kernel developer reduced time to fix newly detected defects, found by Coverity Scan, from 120 days to just 5 days?

Interested in a specific programming language?

PHP/Python/Ruby 5,001 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 2,399 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 10,087 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 709,807 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 85,303 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 16,884 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 3,089 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 45,245 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 32,305 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 33,061 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 1,751 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 49 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 22,202 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 577,968 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 30,550 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 4,779 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 22,766 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 2,850 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 222,398 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 25,681 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 88,236 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 1,767 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 964 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build