Projects on Coverity Scan

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Did you know reaction of Apache Tomcat committer when he looked at the defects found by Coverity?
"Wow, this is great. I've used FindBugs before both inside and outside of ASF projects, but this is ... just amazing."

Interested in a specific programming language?

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 270 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 2,719 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 1,726,622 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 2,501 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 987,034 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 40,134 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 20,606 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 17,542 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 13,308 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 4,016 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 20,199 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 3,098 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 1,626 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 24,761 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 21,115 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 2,577 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 31,753 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 13,735 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 346 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 455,955 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 10,863 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 81 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 35,754 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 1,703 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 10,142 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 458,521 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 1,732,994 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 659 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 117 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby 22,688 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 474,914 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 30,774 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby 527,994 LOC

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build

PHP/Python/Ruby pending build